Below is a list of the family names in which I am interested.
By clicking on a name you will be taken to the page in the family history where that name first appears.
A summary of all individuals currently known to be connected to my family is also available.
Click on the link to access my Gedcom file at "Rootsweb" and enter a name in which you have an interest.
In the data-bases the details of living people born within the past
eighty years are not shown. Such individuals in the 'Rootsweb' database
simply appear as 'living' and no name is shown.
Please contact me if you would like to check or update information on living family members.
The names listed below are listed in a chart detailing my ancestry but are not included in the text of my family history. By clicking on a name you will be taken to my most recent ancestor with that name on the 'Rootsweb' site. (please note the list is not complete)
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